Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hypocrite Stroger owes back taxes

Isn't it funny how the folks who want you to pay more in taxes are often the ones who don't pay their own taxes. Americans have seen several of President Obama's appointments derailed due to failure to pay income taxes. How unpatriotic of them. I mean, according to Vice President Joe Biden, paying taxes is one's patriotic duty.

Now the chickens have come home to roost, so to speak. Cook County Board President Todd Stroger owes the federal government $12,000 in back taxes. According to federal documents, the IRS put a lien on Stroger's home on March 23 for $11,668.10 in unpaid income taxes.

As a public servant, Stroger earns about $170,000 annually, according to the Daily Herald. A Stroger spokesman told media outlets that the Stroger family made arrangements to pay off the debt. But that's beside the point. Stroger is adamant in his defense of Cook County's high taxes that they're for the public good. Obviously though it's not necessary for Stroger to contribute his money for the public good. Stroger talks the talk, but refuses to walk the walk. It would behoove Cook County voters to send Stroger walking in the next election.

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