Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Whatever happens, Burris' legacy has been sealed with the stimulus vote

Everyone and their mother is calling for the resignation of Sen. Roland Burris, the latest in a long line of corrupt Illinois public officials.

He arrived in the Senate under a cloud and has remained under that cloud during his short stint. While Burris hasn't been in the U.S. Senate long enough to line his pockets or cement himself in other nefarious traditions, he's been there long enough and the damage has been done. Burris was there to pass Porkulus, the so called $787 billion stimulus plan. According to Sun Times columnist Lynn Sweet, Burris first told Senate leaders Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., that there was more to his appointment than met the eye. According to Sweet:

Burris dropped the news when Reid and Durbin were on the Senate floor whipping the roll call for the stimulus bill, which passed with exactly the number of votes needed.

Passed with exactly the number of votes needed. No wonder President Obama pushed for Burris to be seated after his appointment. Burris. Without Burris in office, Porkulus was in danger. With Burris in office, Porkulus was unleashed on the taxpayers.

While it's imperative that Burris leave the Senate and return that seat to the people, the damage has been done to the nation. If the people are allowed to elect his successor, perhaps that vote will block future irresponsible spending packages.

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