Friday, January 9, 2009

House impeaches Blago

The Illinois House voted 114-1 to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich this morning. Not that this is any surprise to anyone - least of all to Blago. At his post impeachment press conference this afternoon, the disgraced governor said the animosity between him and house leaders (read Speaker of the House Michael Madigan) has been brewing for years and an impeachment was something expected.

Regardless of why it happened, the House allowed the problem to become fodder for national pundits and talk show comedians. Illinois is embarrassed. The people of Illinois are embarrassed. And more than Blago is to blame for his alleged crimes. The entire culture of corruption in Illinois should be put on trial. While Blago bears the guilt for his impeachment - after all, personal responsibility is an admirable trait - but the entire culture of corruption that has permeated the political landscape of Illinois contributed to the arrogance of Blago and his predecessors in thinking they could get away with whatever they wanted. For too long many Illinois lawmakers believed they could do what they wanted to line their pockets all while ignoring the the duties of the office they were elected to. Sadly it took the arrogance of the helmet-haired one to have the beacon of light shine into the dark nooks and crannies of the Illinois culture of corruption.

And speaking of lawmakers not doing their jobs, what in the world was Ill. Rep. Milt Patterson, D-Chicago, thinking when he voted against impeachment. According to a comment issued to the Chicago Tribune after the roll call vote for impeachment, Patterson said it was not his job to impeach Blago. What did he mean by that statement? Unfortunately he did not talk any more to the Tribune. Whether or not Rep. Patterson is part of the culture of corruption remains to be seen, but I imagine his past will be investigated after a comment like that.

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